First Week In The Books
All I can say is wow! We already sold out of a few items, and thankfully we were able to restock in an efficient amount of time. While others may be out of stock for the time being, just know when and if I say get it while it’s hot, I mean it! When deciding to create a brand of designed and hand-picked items of my choice, I had no idea what to expect. Putting in countless hours, and literally sleepless nights have already paid off. I have to take a minute to personally thank one of my biggest supporters and trustees, Diane. Diane among with a small hand full of other amazing human beings who have stood by my side during this unexpected and trail time. No matter how much I felt like throwing in the towel during this past month, when orders were delayed due to the current pandemic issues, to staying on hold with companies, they have been my biggest fans. If you’ve made it this far please take a minute and focus on what the next few sentences mean. No matter how many supporters you may have sometimes it only take one to make you lose your balance, just one. Do not let anyone get in the way. Do not let someone who maybe be envious, jealous, or a two-faced person get in the way of fulfilling your dreams. Time truly doesn’t mean anything when a person wants to hurt you. When saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, is put into place, you may not know when or if the second occurrence may take place, but know that your guard must never come down after the first wave because there’s always an aftershock. In conclusion, that statement was put into place for a reason. The advice I want to leave you with is karma takes its time and may hint itself every once in a while, but in the end, it hits hard.